What about your internal child?

That's why I created the NURTURE YOUR INNER CHILD bundle.

You see, everything we went through from 0 to 7 years old became embedded in our unconscious mind.

I'm really drawn to this quote by Marianne Williamson: "The wound is not my fault, but the healing is my responsibility."

Even as adults we're navigating how those early experiences shaped us — our relationships, self-perception, and emotional responses.

This bundle is all about tending to your inner child.

It's about realizing that you can't change the past, but you can release its grip with attention and compassion.

Your bundle includes:

  • Inner Child Healing Cards: 30 printable affirmation cards designed to nurture your inner child. Download, print, and cut out these cards. Then, each day, select a new card and repeat the healing intention throughout the day.
  • ​Soothe Your Inner Child Meditation: A tender and beautiful 20-minute meditation toward inner peace, creating a sacred space where your inner child can be seen, heard, respected, and loved.
  • Attachment Styles: Descriptions of each attachment style, help you recognize childhood patterns and provide the compassion and support your inner child needs for healing and growth. Discover why you act a certain way in relationships from childhood to adulthood, impacting romantic relationships, friendships, and work dynamics.
  • Inner Child Self-Compassion: A practice allowing you to hold space for your inner child in safety and security. Allow self-compassion to flow as you connect with and nurture the younger version of yourself, offering love, understanding, and healing.

Nurture your inner child to feel seen, heard, respected and loved.

by Linda Orisni

What's Included:

30 Beautiful Inner Child Healing Cards

A guide with practices and information for healing.

Nurturing Your Inner Child Meditation

Linda's Certifications

Davidji 285 hr Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Training 2023

Hypnotherapist Certificate Training with The Krasner Institute 2023

smartEDUCATION Mindfulness & Resiliency Training 2019

Mindfulness Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Training 2012

Sound Healing Certificate 2019

Usui Reiki Master Practioner 2017

Crystal Reiki Master Teacher 2017

Yin Yoga Teacher Training 2018

Ariel Yoga Teacher Training 2017 in Costa Rica

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training 2015

250 hr Yoga Teacher Training 2014

Foundational Shamanic Training with Munay-Ki Rites 2022

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